(höm) | (nööz) | (myöözîk) | (pîk'chèrz) | (sûr'väz) | (bôrd) | (lîngkz) | (kôn'tåkt')
The Bad·Lil·Munky

This section will consist of nothing but surveys!  I'll post a blank one and you can fill it out and send it to me along with your (nick)name, email address, and your favorite color, and I will post it in the special section just for surveys that have been filled-out.

Here's the link to get to the surveys that have been sent in...

Surveys, pt.2

Møjöê's Special Survey:  "Outta·tha·Blu"
Random Questions

01.  Have you ever wrecked your car or for that matter fell asleep behind the wheel?
02.  Do you currently own a Pez dispenser?
03.  Do you own an iPod?
04.  Did you know that an iPod sucks ass compared to the PSP?
05.  Do you know how much money I've spent on my PSP and PSP-related accessories?
06.  How many cats do you have?  If you don't have any, would you like one.  I have 15.
07.  Is you room still boiling hot?  'Cuz mine is...
08.  Have you ever had sex while listening to the Bloodhound Gang?
09.  Do you have a little brother?  If so, is he a douchebag?
10.  Does Hollywood, mainstream America piss you off?
11.  What's the highest you've ever paid for gas?  (That would be per gallon.)
12.  Do you still buy stupid shit like you did when you were a little kid?  (Hmmm, like PEZ DISPENSERS?!)
13.  Do you have Kate Beckinsale's number?  'Cuz I love her...I want to have her kids...I do.  I really do.  No, seriously...I do.  What you don't believe me?!  I LOVE HER!
14.  Do people still call you a "dork"?
15.  Are you so lame that somebody's came up with a word/phrase for how stupid or lame you are?
16.  Are you aware that Clint (Guitar/Vocals) left Sevendust and now has his own band called Dark New Day?
17.  Do telemarketers and/or hotel management call and wake you up?
18.  Did you know I've spent over $525 on my PSP and PSP-related accessories?
19.  Does that just totally shock/amaze you?
20.  Are you still thinking about how stupid I am for that?