The Bad·Lil·Munky

(höm) | (nööz) | (myöözîk) | (pîk'chèrz) | (sûr'väz) | (bôrd) | (lîngkz) | (kôn'tåkt')

This iz Where You Can Find Some Muzik...

All kinds of songz can be found here, including songz and/or CDz I have on my Playstation Portable. 

Contact me and tell me what you think of the song selection.

"Bat Country"
 by Avenged Sevenfold (City of Evil)
"Time to Waste" by Alkaline Trio (Crimson)
"Megalodon" by Mastodon (Leviathan)
"Ink" by Finch (Say Hello to Sunshine)
"Pull Harder on the Strings of Your Martyr" by Trivium (Ascendency)
with their album "They're Only Chasing Safety"

A Life Once Lost
's "Hunter"
As I lay Dying's "Shadows Are Security"
Atreyu's "Suicide Notes and Butterfly Kisses"
Atreyu's "The Curse"
Bleeding Through's "This is Love, This is Murderous"
Chimaira's "Chimaira"
Poison The Well's "You Come Before You"
Unearth's "The Oncoming Storm"
Zao's "The Funeral of God"