(Nick)Name: Kawa Email:
Wckds3@hotmail.com01. Have you ever "headbanged" while washing dishes? yea......plenty
02. Are you obsessed with the number 2? Every so
often. 03. Do you spell it "gray" or "grey"? Gray. 04. How about
"color" or "colour"? Color. 05. Have you ever been on the phone for 8 hours or more? yea.....8hrs 1min exact 06. Do you have a cat? If so, do you ever call him/her "Fat·head"?
07. Is your room ever boiling hot? Usually...Well,
my room in GA. 08. Do you ever find yourself humping doors/doorknobs when you listen to BLOODHOUND GANG?
Mayb in my sleep. 09. Do you like string cheese? hell yea dude 10.
How about grape Kool·Aid? its iight 11. How many different cellphones have you owned?
4 12. Growing up, did you ever play, or even obsess, about PokeMon? uh
no 13. Do you find Brandon Boyd, leadsinger of INCUBUS, attractive? PUK YEA 14.
Does anybody, anybody at all, constantly call you a "dork"? YEA 15. Has a sibling
or significant other ever bought you a picture or poster of Avril Lavigne? YEA 16.
Did you know that the band CREED broke up? Yea yea yea...Old news, move on. 17.
Have you ever had a cellphone bill over $300? No, but my boyfriend has for me. 18.
Do you wish that you could have some string cheese right at this exact moment? Hmmm...Pickle. 19.
Do you collect pens or pencils? No.......jus' Sharpies 20. Are you still obsessing
over the number 2? Yea I am!
Thanks for your entry, babe.
(Nick)Name: Mojoe Email: Mojoe450@hotmail.com01. Have you ever "headbanged" while washing dishes? I
do it all the time...This one time, I almost broke the dishes with my face. 02. Are you obsessed with the
number 2? No, but it is my favorite number...Along with 450! 03. Do you spell it
"gray" or "grey"? I spell it with an "A". 04. How about "color" or "colour"?
"Color" 05. Have you ever been on the phone for 8 hours or more? Yep.
More than once, on ocassions. 06. Do you have a cat? If so, do you ever call him/her "Fat·head"?
Yes, I have a cat. But, I only call my dad's cat, Turkey, "Fat·Head". 07. Is your
room ever boiling hot? Not since I took my matress off the air vent. That was brilliant, wasn't
it?! 08. Do you ever find yourself humping doors/doorknobs when you listen to BLOODHOUND GANG? I used to do it all the time in TX, with my brother Peter. 09. Do you like string cheese?
Yeah, but I had throw mine out, 'cuz they were old. 10. How about grape Kool·Aid?
I love Kool·Aid! 11. How many different cellphones have you owned? 4
or 5. 12. Growing up, did you ever play, or even obsess, about PokeMon? Yep, I still
have my cards. But, I don't know where they are... 13. Do you find Brandon Boyd, leadsinger of INCUBUS,
attractive? Yes, I have a man·crush on Brandon Boyd! There, now you all know about it! 14.
Does anybody, anybody at all, constantly call you a "dork"? Everybody calls me a "dork"! 15.
Has a sibling or significant other ever bought you a picture or poster of Avril Lavigne? Yep.
And I cherish it with all my heart. 16. Did you know that the band CREED broke up? Yes,
I was on the phone with my girlfriend when the world·wide memo was cast over the radio. 17. Have you ever
had a cellphone bill over $300? Yeah...Best $300 I ever spent on my girlfriend. 18.
Do you wish that you could have some string cheese right at this exact moment? Not exactly... 19.
Do you collect pens or pencils? I collect pens, mechanical pencils, and markers/Sharpies. 20.
Are you still obsessing over the number 2? Always!
'And I thank myself for my
(Nick)Name: The Princess Email:
01. Have you ever "headbanged" while washing dishes? can't
say that I have
02. Are you obsessed with the number 2? no 03.
Do you spell it "gray" or "grey"? grey 04. How about "color" or "colour"?
color 05. Have you ever been on the phone for 8 hours or more? not
that I know of 06. Do you have a cat? If so, do you ever call him/her "Fat·head"?
no I don't have a cat anymore and no I didn't call him "fat head"
07. Is your room ever boiling hot? yes 08.
Do you ever find yourself humping doors/doorknobs when you listen to BLOODHOUND GANG? huh? 09.
Do you like string cheese? on occassion 10. How about grape Kool·Aid? hate kool aid 11. How many different cellphones have you owned? 3 12.
Growing up, did you ever play, or even obsess, about PokeMon? nope, after my childhood time, sorry 13.
Do you find Brandon Boyd, leadsinger of INCUBUS, attractive? again, I say huh? 14.
Does anybody, anybody at all, constantly call you a "dork"? nope, I'm usually the one calling them
dork 15. Has a sibling or significant other ever bought you a picture or poster of Avril Lavigne? nope 16. Did you know that the band CREED broke up? didn't have a
clue of this. when did this happen and why didn't I get the memo? 17. Have you ever had a cellphone bill over
$300? never 18. Do you wish that you could have some string cheese right at this
exact moment? no, but queso would be good 19. Do you collect pens or pencils?
pens 20. Are you still obsessing over the number 2? not yet,
but close to it now that you mention it.
Thanks, Princess!