The Bad·Lil·Munky

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This iz where you learn more about me, Mojoe.

Sexy, ain't it?
This is I, Mojoe. Not, in anyway, related to that evil bastard who tries to kill those cute PPG's.

   Full Name: Joseph Tyler White
   Nickname(s)/Alias(es): Mojoe, Tojo, Jobi-Wan Kenobi, Jocephus, Freek Nazty, Rabbit Chaser, Baerkahn, Baiin Gath...
   Screen name(s): Mojoe450
   Age: 20
   Grade: I graduated...IN THE YEAR 2004!
   GPA: Yeah, it probably sucks.
   Birthday: July 5, 1986
   Zodiac sign: Cancer
   Where you were born: Austell, GA 
   Location Now: Lindale, GA
   Height: 6'
   Hair Color: Black w/DARK Brown roots 
   Are you going to college: I really don't know. 
   Eye Color: "Irresistible" Blue
   Sibling(s): Jordan, 19;  Whitney, 15
   Parents names: Timothy & Melani
   Hobbie(s): Playin' the drums/bass/PS2, watchin' movies,  & reading comic books.

   Crush: Lacey Ward...It's been that way for a long time.
   Girlfriend: Nope.
   If you could go out with anyone in the world, who would it be: Uh...Lacey. 
   Who was your first crush:  I have no fuckin' clue.
   What do you first notice about the opposite sex: Their eyes, eye color.  Also, their mannerisms.
   What do you look for in a girl: A sense of humor, beautiful eyes, & nice legs.
   How romantic are you? [1-10]: Somewhere between 64 & 103.
   Most romantic thing that happened to you: When [some girl] told me that all she needed was my kiss...

M -

   If you could go back in time, where would you go: I would go back to the 70's, & watch George Lucas create the masterpiece known as "STAR WARS"!
   Thing that you regretted doing after you had done it:  Leaving my band, friends, & Lacey...Leaving TX.
   Memory you would like to forget:  I don't know...Probably sometime in MS. 

   What'd you do yesterday: 12/09/2006 - Woke up late, went to the trailor, put in applications in Canton...
   Last person you talked to on the phone: My pops.
   Last thing you said: I was singing along with Lajon from Sevendust.  "Reconnect"
   Last song you listened to:  "My Curse" by Killswitch Engage

O -

   Dream Occupation: I'd like to play drums professionally.
   Marriage: I'd love to get married.
   Kid(s): Two...But, who knows. Maybe my wife & I will have a whole litter!
   Future son's name: Kornelius Alexander White
   Future daughter's name: Dezrai Talia White
   Honeymoon:  I think Italy would be bitchin'.
   Where will you live:  Anywhere's possible.  
   What are you doing tomorrow:  12/11/2006 - Wishing I had a fucking job.

J -

   Friends: Go look at my friend's list.
   Funniest: Either Blaxican or Jerry.
   Loudest:   I think that would have to be Hungry.
raziest: Once again...Either Jerry or Blaxican.
   Skinniest: Malibu
   Best at keeping secrets: Jerry
   Gayest: Steve-O  (No, but seriously...I'm just kiddin' Steve!  'Or am I?!)
   Sweetest: Bree
   Hottest: (Insert your name here.)  _________________
   Weirdest: Brian
   Most hyper: Well, I'm the most hyper of my friends.
   Fattest:  Either Hungry or
   Most annoying: Brian.
   "Blondest":  Jerry

O -

   Do you believe in angels:  Yes.
   Aliens:  They're out there somewhere...
   Heaven & Hell:  Yes.
   Love at first sight:  Yeah. Although, it hasn't happened to me.
   Yourself:  Most of the time...

E -

Have You Ever
   Been on a plane: Yes, & I love it.
   Cried in public: Yes...
   Climbed a tree: Yes, & I jumped out of it, too.
   Fell asleep in a Movie Theater: Once... "Any Given Sunday"
   Kissed a girl: Yep.  And I will continue to do it till I die.
   Met a celebrity: I've met many, many bands.
   Met the president: No, & I don't care to, either.
   Been scared to get a shot: 'When I was little.  I could get tattoo after tattoo, now.
   Gotten a cavity: Lots, it looks like I ate a cement cookie.
   Shopped at Abercrombie & Fitch:     Once or twice...It won't happen again.
   Had an online relationship: Unfortunately.
   Made prank calls: A couple times, why?
   Gone skinny dipping:  No, but I want to. 
   Skipped school: Only by telling my mom I was sick.
   Love someone so much that it made you cry:  ...Yep...
   Tried to kill someone: Only my little brother.  Plus, if you tried to kill someone, you wouldn't be here. You'd be in prison for attempted murder.

Ink Blot
   Bill Clinton:  Glen Quagmire.
   Lollipops:  Whores showing off on the internet.
   Dreams:  A really good one that I had this morning. I wish it was true.
   Love:  My dream this morning.
   Whipped Cream:  Good fuckin' times!
   South Park:  World of Warcraft.
   Boy Bands:  Emo.
   Guys:  Me...
   Girls:  Plaid skirts.
   Death:  Too many in Iraq.

Which is Better
   Dog/Cat: Well, I  like cats better 
   Blue/Purple: Blue.
   Chocolate/Vanilla: Vanilla.
   Fruit/Vegetable: Fruit...rollups.
   Pen/Pencil: Pen.
   Plumber/Trashman: Hooker.
   Ear/Eye: Eyes.
   Rich & Sad/Poor & Happy:  Why can't you have your cake & fucking eat it, too?! Right now, I'm sad & poor, so, I have neither...

My Hero!

   Do you sleep with a stuff animal: Not anymore.
   Last time you showered:   Actually, I was just about to jump in.
   If you were a crayon, what color would you be: White.
   How many buddies do you have on your buddy list: I don't use IM'ers.
   Do you like this survey: It's all good, homie-g-skillet!
   What are the last 4 digits of your phone number: 7538.
   One pillow or two, cotton or feather: Two, memory foam.
   Last CD you got: Well, the last CD I got was "Hate Crew Deathroll" by Children of Bodom. The last CD I bought was "O'God the Aftermath" by Norma Jean.
   How long are you in the shower: 10, maybe 15 minutes. 
   How do you eat a Reese's Peanut Buttercup: I pretend I'm in early 1800's Transylvania on a dark night in an alley & the Buttercup is a red-headed chick, & my name is Count Chocula.
   Feelings on abortion: If you feel can't support the lil'skeetling or you just stright-up don't wanna bring a child into this world, go for it.  It would prevent scarred teenagers from committing suicide because mommy or daddy told them they were a mistake.
   Is Tupac alive: Nah...Dat nigga'z ded az'a muh'fukah'!
   What does your screen name mean: My nickname is Mojoe & I have a fasination/obsession with the number 450.
   Who do you most admire: My mother.
   Right, Left, or Ambidextrous: I'm right-handed.
   What is on your mouse pad: A mouse.
   What is under your bed: Hangers, fuzz-balls, shoes, etc.
   How many licks does it take to get to the center of a TootsiePop: About 144 continuous licks...Or something like that.